Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
Proceedings of XVI School on Regression Models
Special Volume – call for papers

The school proceedings will be published in the Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, having Clarice G.B Demétrio (ESALQ-USP), Francisco José A. Cysneiros (UFPE) and Gilberto A. Paula (IME-USP) as guest editors.

Deadline for submissions: September 30, 2019

Papers should be submitted by the online submission system (EJMS) for the review process, under the “special volume” flag (to be created shortly). Papers should fit the manuscript submission policy of Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics. Submissions within the themes of the short courses, invited conferences, short talks and poster sessions of XVI School on Regression Models are particularly encouraged.

Guidelines to authors:

Proceedings of XVI School on Regression Models – in honour of prof. Bent Jorgensen to be published at Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics seeks high quality research papers in applied or theoretical probability and stochastic processes.

The indication of the special volume is needed to have your paper considered for this specific number of Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics. To be sure, you might also send an email message to the guest editors (,, informing about your submission. Submitted articles will be peer refereed.